Anki para aprender inglés

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Aprender un idioma mediante mazos compartidos




Consejo para las tarjetas de oraciones

  1. Know Pronunciation
  2. Understand Sentence
  3. Understand Words
  4. Escucha la pronunciación de la tarjeta si la tiene

Sentence Cards vs Vocab Cards

SRS cards

A todo esto, lo mismo saco en un futuro algún vídeo al respecto, porque Anki para aprender idiomas me parece muy interesante. Pero no sé la mejor manera de aprenderlo (solo vocabulario me refiero): si pones palabras para estudias de inglés a español, por ejemplo, y las palabras son polisémicas, a lo mejor te sabes 3 de las 4 definiciones. ¿Contaría como que te la sabes difícil, bien o directamente otra vez? ¿Es mejor lo típico de rellenar los huecos y poner ahí la palabra? Porque hay varias posibilidades y a veces metes la que no deberías de repasar ¿Imágenes para decir un verbo, adjetivo o sustantivo (un poco enrevesado)? ¿Todas a la vez (mis dudas de que en una misma tarjeta puedas meter en los campos todos estos datos para que con los tipos de tarjetas del mismo tipo de nota te salgan estas opciones de manera coherente)?

Trucos para aprender un idioma:

Poner fecha límite de un examen
Aprender las 850 palabras más comunes
Hablar con un nativo inglés que hable español, sobre todo study buddy, gratis
Vocabulario con repetición espaciada

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Comprensible input

Características de mis tarjetas y cómo lo conseguí

Animales en inglés tipo de nota

Vocabulary - use basic cards here, but when you find a card difficult (i.e. wrong more than once) find a reasonably easy sentence containing the word, and cloze out that word, with the translation as the hint if necessary:

    1. e.g. I had trouble with the word 'quīn', 'why not'? In Latin, so created the card {{c1::Quīn::Why not}} avēs caelī imitāmur?

    2. These cards are much easier, and creating a second additional card is a much better way of learning than repeating one indefinitely. They work even better for words that have multiple meanings according to context - if you want to grasp those, use example sentences for that.

    3. As catts34 says, usually basic is enough, and basic cards are much faster to create, wheras cloze is hard to create and slightly too easy. But for extra help they are brilliant - much better, in my experience, than pictures, which many people use.

Grammar - particularly for inflected languages, cloze is really helpful: you want to make the verb/noun forms easy, quick and natural to produce. While not enough on their own, sentences with clozes are a good way to practice this:

    1. e.g. a simplistic Latin example - 'puer puellam {{c1::amat::loves}}' (the boy loves the girl). This card forces you produce the correct form of the verb for the third person singular. But it is much more natural and related to actual speech than a card that says 'what is the third person singular active indicative of 'love', and will help far more with reading, listening, speaking and writing, rather than just grammar tests.

    2. These cards are really helpful, in my experience, for these and similar grammar points; but - once you get beyond the simpler ones - often very tiring, as they require more thought than vocab cards. So they are best done gradually, a few a day, as you slowly get used to the language. Obviously you can add more for hard points you struggle with.

    3. They also take more effort to make - the ideal is a textbook that incorporates this kind of drill which you can copy-paste into your cards.

Cursos - Anki premium